Sermon for Lent Midweek 3
The Christian life is a life of humility. This is a fundamental part of the Christian life, for to be Christian is to be like Christ. Christians are “little Christs” and as St. Peter says we follow “in His steps.” The Son of God became man and humbled himself, not coming in power, but as a poor infant. He grew up and lived generally holding back his divine power. He came not to overthrow kingdoms, but to establish his kingdom of forgiveness by humble means, preaching repentance and faith. Then he submitted to his death, suffering and being crucified for the sins of us, the very ones whose sins sent him to die. Rising from the dead, Jesus has given all through baptism the new resurrection life which he has won, completely free. Therefore, as Christians in this resurrection life, we have nothing to boast of and nothing to gain for ourselves. We are free in Christ, so we can live in humility as Christ did.