Sermon for the Eve of the Feast of the Circumcision and Name of Jesus
Dec 31, 2021 • Rev. Christopher Antonetti
Tonight’s sermon, is the last sermon you will probably hear in the year of our Lord 2021, as tomorrow begins the year of our Lord 2022. That is what A.D. means on our calendar, the Year of Our Lord. For these are the years after the coming of Christ, when God became man and dwelt among us. Secularists may try to erase the religious aspect of our years by calling them C.E., or Common Era, instead of A.D. Yet the years do not change, nor can they change the fact that Jesus Christ, God and Man, come to earth to fulfill the law for us, conquer sin and death, and rise from the dead and reign at God’s right hand. 2021 and 2022 are still the Year of Our Lord because the Lord Jesus Christ has put his name upon it by victory over his enemies.