Posts with the tag “lord-s-supper”

Sermon for Maundy Thursday, AD 2022
April 15th, 2022
What’s the point of the Lord’s Supper? Why do we come here and partake? We know this bread is the very body of the Lord, and this wine is the very blood of the Lord. We know that in these we have forg...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Fourth Sunday after Epiphany, AD 2022
February 3rd, 2022
Faith is trust in Jesus, and you should be careful not to hear this passage outside of faith. Outside of faith, the eyes are the ruler. The eyes say, I see everything is good and fine in my life, ther...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Last Sunday of the Church Year, AD 2021
November 22nd, 2021
“Wake, awake for night is flying!” the watchmen on the heights are crying, “Awake, Jerusalem arise!” Wake, and be watchful, for the bridegroom is coming! Get ready! This is what Jesus’ parable tells y...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Twentieth Sunday after Trinity, AD 2021
October 18th, 2021
St. Paul tells you in the epistle lesson to “look carefully how you walk,” which is always good advice. It was a fun game when you were a kid to close your eyes and see how far you could get in your h...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Fourteenth Sunday after Trinity, AD 2021
September 7th, 2021
Truly God wants to strengthen us, heal us, and give us every good thing, for He is our loving Father. But he does not want us to depend on our own strength. He calls us baptized to the Lord’s Supper, ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Feast of St. James the Elder, AD 2021
August 2nd, 2021
Did James not love God enough? Was there something lacking in him that God did not work together all things for his good? When you suffer, do you ever think this? Does it seem like God is not working ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Second Sunday after Trinity, AD 2021
June 14th, 2021
A man prepared a party and no one showed up. What a terrible circumstance, it’s one that people have stressful dreams about. It’s one thing to ask for a favor, like helping you move, and no one wants ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Cantate, the Fifth Sunday of Easter, AD 2021
May 2nd, 2021
For baptism was created and instituted by our Lord Jesus Christ, and in it we have his promise of the forgiveness of sins. In baptism, the Holy Spirit comes to you and changes you. Your old man, the ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Maundy Thursday, AD 2021
April 2nd, 2021
Memorials are an important part of our lives. It is not an exaggeration to say that the practice of gathering to remember, to memorialize things has been devastated in the past year. Perhaps this has ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Purification of Mary and Presentation of Our Lord, AD 2021
February 3rd, 2021
This day, exactly forty days after Christmas, brings us a great lesson capping off the very end of the Christmas season. In this final account of Jesus’ birth and early years, the scriptures give us a...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Epiphany of Our Lord, AD 2021
January 7th, 2021
How much did the wise men know? Well, being astrologers, they looked at the stars for signs, but the sign didn’t tell them a whole lot. It’s likely that if they were from Babylon, where God’s people w...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Christmas Day, AD 2020
December 29th, 2020
Long before He became man and was born as a baby in Bethlehem and laid in a manger, the Son of God created heaven and earth. ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti