Posts with the tag “lord-s-prayer”

Sermon for Sexagesima, AD 2022
February 21st, 2022
Jesus tells a parable of the sower who sows one seed in four different places. Only in the good soil does the seed grow into a plant that yields a harvest, but in the good soil it yields a great harve...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Third Sunday after Epiphany, AD 2022
January 24th, 2022
In football, a long pass to the endzone, usually end of the game is called a “hail Mary” or sometimes “throwing up a prayer.” The idea is that of taking one last shot to win, looking more to providenc...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Rogate, the Sixth Sunday of Easter, AD 2021
May 9th, 2021
In the Small Catechism explanation of Our Father who art in heaven, Luther explains that we come to God in prayer as dear children ask their dear Father, asking Him confidently and boldly for our need...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Invocabit, the first Sunday in Lent, AD 2021
February 21st, 2021
Sometimes when we think of Jesus as our God and Lord, which He is, we put Him into a place so beyond ourselves that it seems hard to relate to Him. When we view Jesus as one who is far beyond us in po...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Eleventh Sunday after Pentecost, AD 2020
August 17th, 2020
In early versions of Luther’s Small Catechism, each section of questions and answers would be matched with a woodcut, or picture, depicting a scene from a Bible story. The point of this was to show th...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti