Posts with the tag “crucifixion”

Sermon for Quasimodo Geniti, the Second Sunday of Easter, AD 2022
April 24th, 2022
Truly today we continue to celebrate that Christ is risen from the dead. Our Lord has died and risen again for our salvation. Not only have our sins been taken away on the cross, but our Lord has seal...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Good Friday, AD 2022
April 17th, 2022
St. John mentions several times that Jesus dies on the Jewish Day of Preparation. What is the day of Preparation? Well, when God created the heavens and the earth, he created in six days and on the se...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Palm Sunday, AD 2022
April 11th, 2022
“Say to the daughter of Zion, ‘Behold your king is coming to you, humble, and mounted on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a beast of burden.’” If the people of the city of Jerusalem had known scriptur...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Lent Midweek Service, March 9, AD 2022
March 10th, 2022
St. Peter calls us Christians “sojourners and exiles.” We are not in the place where we are truly from, where we are supposed to be. He recalls the memory of the ancient Judahites who went into exile ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Quasimodo Geniti, the Second Sunday of Easter, AD 2021
April 12th, 2021
John always has a theological point he is trying to make in his gospel. One of John’s trademarks that the other gospel writers don’t do is to jump in and “take the mic” so to speak in order to explain...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Good Friday, AD 2021
April 3rd, 2021
Jesus also crossed the brook Kidron, leaving Jerusalem with his disciples. His betrayer, Judas, had already left to gather the forces who will come to arrest Jesus. There, on the Mount of Olives with ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Maundy Thursday, AD 2021
April 2nd, 2021
Memorials are an important part of our lives. It is not an exaggeration to say that the practice of gathering to remember, to memorialize things has been devastated in the past year. Perhaps this has ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Palm Sunday, AD 2021
March 28th, 2021
Today begins Holy Week. Why is it holy? It is holy because we set this week apart to hear and remember Jesus’ suffering and death for our sins, His Passion. This so we can look forward to and understa...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Lent Midweek 2, March 3, AD 2021
March 4th, 2021
Now one way to sum up the message of the Bible in six words could be, “Kill the dragon, get the girl.” Now this implies that Someone is doing the work of killing and getting, and we’ll get to that, bu...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti