Posts with the tag “1-corinthians”

Sermon for Maundy Thursday, AD 2022
April 15th, 2022
What’s the point of the Lord’s Supper? Why do we come here and partake? We know this bread is the very body of the Lord, and this wine is the very blood of the Lord. We know that in these we have forg...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Baptism of Our Lord, January 9, AD 2021
January 10th, 2022
JESUS comes to John in the wilderness to be baptized by him. John refuses. He has been giving a baptism for repentance of sins. John knows that Jesus has no sins to repent of. John knows that Jesus h...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Maundy Thursday, AD 2021
April 2nd, 2021
Memorials are an important part of our lives. It is not an exaggeration to say that the practice of gathering to remember, to memorialize things has been devastated in the past year. Perhaps this has ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Quinquagesima, AD 2021
February 15th, 2021
This love that would lead to martyrdom is the one that early Christians recognized as something worth remembering. For Christian love is nothing less than the work of the very love of Christ in the pe...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for Sexagesima, AD 2021
February 8th, 2021
“All flesh is like grass and all its glory like the flower of grass.” One doesn’t have to have been alive very long or very perceptive to recognize that almost nothing in this world lasts. ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Funeral of Marjorie A. Fischer, November 24, AD 2020
November 24th, 2020
For Advent means “coming,” and it is a season that anticipates the coming of Jesus as a baby in the manger in Bethlehem on Christmas morning. But this is not the only coming that Advent anticipates. A...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti