Posts with the category “funeral”

Sermon for the Christian Funeral of Carol Jeanne Thompson
May 11th, 2023
Grace and peace be to you from God our Father and our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Amen.One memory I have of my visits with Carol in the last three years came to mind while I was reading her obituar...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Funeral of Ronald C. Schoenbeck, September 20, AD 2021
September 21st, 2021
As often happens in death, Mary and Martha grieved differently for their brother. People came from all around to console them. It wasn’t until Jesus came that they really moved. At least Martha moved....  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Funeral of Marjorie A. Fischer, November 24, AD 2020
November 24th, 2020
For Advent means “coming,” and it is a season that anticipates the coming of Jesus as a baby in the manger in Bethlehem on Christmas morning. But this is not the only coming that Advent anticipates. A...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Funeral of Phillip G. Gerk, Feast of St. Michael and All Angels, September 29, AD 2020
October 1st, 2020
Two of the readings for today describe names being written – one in the book, and one in heaven. These are one in the same. Those whose names are written in heaven, in the book of life, are those who ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti
Sermon for the Memorial of Allen Thomason, August 29, AD 2020
August 29th, 2020
Waiting is never pleasant. It’s never what we want to do. Waiting is what we do when we are trying to do something else. Yet Isaiah says here that those who have waited are those who will be glad and ...  Read More
by Christopher Antonetti